01 The Role of Ulma-e-Jhang in Nizam-e-Mustafa movement in 1977

  • hikmah hikmah
  • Dr. M.Mudassar Shafique
  • Muhammad Tahir Aarbi
Keywords: Ulma-e-Jhang , Nizam-e-Mustafa movement, Bhutto’s Politics


Different types of mud were collected to create a man and this mud was consisted of four different elements. These elements in the creation of man shows that there would be anarchy on the earth and People shall fight each other. Man settlement on earth and its cruel, rude behavior and inhuman activities can be observed now. Allah almighty sent a chain of messengers for the welfare and betterment of humanity. Nearly one lac twenty four thousands selected people called Rasool/Nabi came to stop cruelty, keep justice, harmony and social equality in every field of life. Allah did not allow humanity to lead the life on his own way but according to His will. He gave His own system and reveled it through Holy books and prophets exercised it before humanity. From Adam to Jesus, this system was applied on the earth in human beings. Whenever, any one tried to break it or stood against this heavenly message, First he was invited and motivated to join it otherwise, he had no option. He was to bow before Him or put to destruction. Parameters/teachings of this system were completed at the advent of Holy Prophet Muhammad(Pbuh).The last order of Allah almighty, the last new world order was presented fifteen hundred years ago, before humanity to be obayed. It was called Nizam e Islam, Nizam Quran, Nizam Deen. Past centuries have proved that system of Prophets was/is the best one to save and develop the life and characteristics of man. So, whenever, this system was/is applied, humanity felt security, development, social equality and social justice among themselves. With the passage of time, this system is renamed as Nizam –e- Mustafa in subcontinent especially in Pakistan in 1977. It was only aim to establish the laws of Quran and Sunnah in the country and this movement was called Tehrek Nizam e Mustafa. Ulam e Jhang played a key role in this movement from start to end.
