عورت کی عقل قرآن و حدیث کی روشنی میں 03

  • hikmah hikmah
  • Syed Hamid Ali Shah
  • Muneera Khanum
  • Aftab Khatoon
Keywords: ناقص العقل، انسان، شبہات،نظریہ، اسلامی تعلیمات، فوقیت


Every particle of the universe is part of the masterpiece creations of Allah almighty where the concept of any defect and deficiency is impossible that’s why Allah invites to ponder and reflect on the many of His creations. The human being is the only creature, after describing whose creative stages, Allah immediately praises Himself by saying (تبارک اللہ احسن الخالقین) which reveals the greatness and importance hidden in the creation of human being. The greatness that is bestowed to human being is the blessing of intellect and wisdom from which both man and woman are benefited because woman also has equal share in being human like man. However, there is a lot of evidences in the religious texts that a woman is less intelligent than man, although The Holy Qur'an does not explicitly mention this, but some commentators have mentioned in their commentaries of many verses that women are less intelligent. However, in some hadiths, it has been clearly stated that women are less intelligent and also provided the reasons for their being less intelligent. This article is discussed that the either woman is less intelligent than man or not.

One of the objections to Islamic teachings is that Islam has declared women to be irrational, which is an insult to a woman's personality. Such suspicions may make many women hate pure Islamic teachings.

Therefore, first of all, as an example, we will present some of the traditions and the opinions of some commentator's opinion in which it has been mentioned that a woman has less intellect, and then we will also explain the meaning and purpose of a woman being less intellect.
