سندھی معاشرے میں بچوں کی پیدائش کی رسومات کا شرعی جائزہ 06
If we put old civilization on broad perspective, we find an apparent impact of old civilization on Muslim Society of Sindh. We may know that many people and various nations from different areas and countries as Arian, Burdon, Buddhist, Greek, Persian, and Christen came in Sindh and most of them settled here and remaining left, but their cultures, traditions were adopted here. For example, from birth to death of child what ever the trends and traditions used to be of even Non-Muslims have become integrated part of their basic trends. This includes the birth of first child at grand maternal family, different treatment between son and daughter, charity meal, head shave, selection name. Superstitious approach like a placing of iron rod close to pillow of newly born baby and to pregnant woman and so on. Thus whatever Muslims adopts today, are undoubtedly traditions of Hindus (Non- Muslims). So, almost every tradition is borrowed by Hindus. However, there are so many traditions based on Shariah, but are entertained in wrong direction, which is liable to be reset. For example, Aqeeqa, Circumcision etc.
The most adequate reasons of similarity in traditions of Hindus and Muslims are their unchanged style of living, language and participation of both the groups in their different cultural and religious traditions. Now, the great matter of conflict/ controversy among the Muslims is whether they deliberately neglect religions activities or avoid entertaining them owing to having their personal interests.
So, it is need to finish all Un-Islamic traditions and Practices and set the Islamic injunctions so as to establish pure Islamic Society