ڈاڑھی اورمونچھوں کی شرعی حیثیت 02
Islam teach us complete way of life. It guides human to face any circumstance from birth to death such as clothing and appearance etc., Beard on male face is one of those guidance, through which male can be differentiated from female. Quran and Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas (four principles of sharia) has made beard a part of human and Islamic nature. Due to this beard is obligatory and not having beard on face and large mustaches on face is the appearance of non-Muslims. And we are ordered to oppose that appearance. And by leaving beard less than one hand is forbidden, and group of many sins. And Hazrath Muhammad (SAW) also hate them. And according to sharia having beard on face have a lot of benefits for health and not having beard on face is much harmful for health. And cutting beard more than one hand is allowed and as well evident that it is Sunnah and Mustahib, because it is the original quantity of beard. And also it is based on the principles of nature and common sense instead of copying.