ڈاکٹر علی شریعتی کا تصور امامت و خلافت کا ایک تنقیدی جائزہ 03

  • hikmah hikmah
  • Dr. Sajjad Ali
Keywords: Esmat, Imamat, Khilafat, Nass, Shouriat


Dr. Shari'ati is a revolutionary intellectual personality of this century. He regarded Islamic values ​​as the guarantee of salvation and success for humanity. He sought to mobilize and revive frozen Islamic ideas. That is, tried to bring the Islamic concept out of the boundaries of formal and congested boundaries into common and general thoughts.

Dr. Shari'ati also presented a unique view that divine Imam transcends than worldly governments and this divine leadership cannot be determined by (Shuraiet). Rather, it can be diagnosed by an obvious reason (Nass). This doctrine of Dr. Shari'ati is contrary to the ideology of the Sunni and the Shi'ite’s concept of Imamat and Khilafat because the Sunni sect believes that Khilafat Or Imamt should be determine by the Shurait (Council) and Shiites by the will(Nass). According to Dr. Shairathi, Imamat cannot be determining through Shourait or Nass but it can be identified by the superior attributes of the Imam. He believes that Imamat is not an external factor which can gain by attainment or by choice; rather, it is an Inherit object.

 In accepting this doctrine of Dr. Shari'ati, than the Imamat becomes a part of the system of naturalism (Takveeni). That makes the Imamat not a model process for humanity. So it would be a complicated issue to discuss and discover either the theory of Dr. Shari'ati is a applicable idea of Imamat or it is a just onlyu idialogy which cannot be practiced. The dissertation has been written to examine the reality of these two cases either Imamat is inherit case or it can be attainment case through Shouriat or Nass. 

