Social and Political Verses of Qur'an viewpoint of unity and New Islamic Civilization Analysis and Research
In deed this is thought provoking topic when we analyze it with current unity and new civilization because the Holy Quran has restricted its scope merely to outlining guidelines the General Principles rules and Regulations, in Sphere of social and politics proper as well specific guidelines its concept in view point of Unity and new Islamic civilization. Indeed being Muslim we believe that Quran is complete code of life it consist all the matters which confronts human being in this society. Furthermore it is also our core creed that this is not a Ancient book which discusses about old time civilization but its teaching are worldwide universal and beneficial for all creatures till yet.
It guides correctly to humanity without any discrimination, as well as dealt with creatures including mankind with justice and equality merely it make superior to those whose are pious such teachings of Islam are most admirable.
With reference to verses of Quran regarding research title it is benefited that Quran clearly gestures towards best social and political system which is need and necessity of People, for unity & formation of new Islamic civilization.
Hence it depends on us to follow its general Guidelines towards the unity and modern Islamic Civilization in view point Quranic verses about social and politics.
it would be discussed in this research paper that under the title of this topic lot of essential things may be find out from the deeply study of Quran in order to analyse them for outcome of fruitful results as such as possible, finally prepared Recommendations for Unity, Politics and social justice mandatory for Islamic Civilization based on Quranic teachings.