قرآن پر عمل اور اسلوب ترغیب و ترہیب ایک تحقیقی مطالعہ

  • Muhammad Jamshaid M.Phil Scholar, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT, RYK
  • Dr. Muhammad Shahid Habib Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT RYK
  • Dr. Mazhar Hussain Bhadroo Lecturer, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT RYK
  • hikmah hikmah
Keywords: Expressive style, Targheeb and Tarheeb, The Quran


Adherence to the Qur'an is an expression of faith and it provides practical guidance in various verses. A brief motivation:

Incentives (Encouragement): The Qur'an contains positive incentives for good deeds that bring improvement and happiness in the afterlife.

Tarheeb (Warning): The Qur'an emphasizes the consequences of sins and the importance of avoiding them.

Practical Guidelines:The Qur'an contains practical guidelines for moral, communal, and social principles in daily life.

Targhib and intimidation are two important concepts in the Holy Qur’an, and they refer to the use of exhortation, encouragement, warning, and threat to achieve religious and moral goals. The Holy Qur’an is a comprehensive guide for man in all aspects of his life, and it contains many legal orders and prohibitions that aim to reform the individual and society.

Targhib is used in the Qur'an to urge people to do good and follow religious and moral commands. In the Holy Qur’an, God Almighty makes promises and rewards to those who follow His commands and do good deeds, encouraging them to walk on the right path.  Promises of heaven and divine reward are a strong motive for a person to draw closer to God and do good deeds.

* M.Phil Scholar, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT, RYK

** Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT RYK, shahid.habib@kfueit.edu.pk

*** Lecturer, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT RYK, mazharhussainbhadroo@gmail.com


As for intimidation in the Qur’an, it is the use of warnings and threats to prevent people from committing evil and sin.  The Holy Qur'an stresses the consequences of bad deeds and presents the punishments that may be inflicted on those who transgress God's limits.  Intimidation is used in the Qur'an to warn people of the negative consequences of wrong behavior and to remind them that God sees all things and will hold them accountable for their actions.

The use of encouragement and intimidation in the Qur'an must be understood in a balanced way. Exhortation and encouragement should be used to promote good and spread hope and optimism in people's hearts, while warning and admonition should be used to achieve religious discipline and shun evil.

In the end, believers must deal with wisdom and understanding with the concepts of intimidation and intimidation in the Holy Qur’an, and seek to understand God’s message and guidance in their comprehensive and balanced context. The ultimate goal is to achieve personal and societal reformation and to attain closeness and pleasure to God.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Jamshaid, M.Phil Scholar, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT, RYK

M.Phil Scholar, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT, RYK

Dr. Muhammad Shahid Habib, Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT RYK

Assistant Professor, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT RYK

Dr. Mazhar Hussain Bhadroo, Lecturer, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT RYK

Lecturer, Islamic Studies, IHA, KFUEIT RYK
